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" Winter Wonderland - Holme Wood Walk "

Date & start time:      10th March 2023.   11.30 am start.

Location of Start :     By the red phone box, Loweswater, Cumbria, Uk. ( NY 143 211).

Places visited :          Maggie's Bridge, The Bothy, Goblin House, Holme Force and back.

Walk details :              A 3 mile stroll, 75ft of ascent, 1 hour 40 mins.

High point :                 The weather !

Walked with :              Paula, Loes, myself and the dogs, Dylan and Dougal.

Weather :                     Sunshine and blue skies, snow on the ground.


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Paula's flying visit was coming to an end, when exactly depended on the weather.  Was it snowy enough to stay,

was it sunny enough to enjoy a walk, would it be clear enough for a drive back home over the Pennines ?

Whilst we waited to see what  the third option would be, the first two had come true, so we donned our boots and headed out for that walk.

After our morning dip there was still plenty of time left of the morning,

so after a short discussion we had agreed a destination and headed out to walk in Holme Woods.

The view from the top of the hill, looking back towards the Village Hall, Crummock Water and the Buttermere fells.

The northern face of Mellbreak looking almost like a Wainwright pen and ink sketch with its winter sprinkling of snow.

The turn to Maggie's Bridge car park, looking over to Holme Woods on the side of Carling Knott.

The woodland, shaped like a pheasant, has been the scene of partial larch felling in recent weeks.

The road down to the car park is fortunately clear of snow.

Up in the hanging 'High Nook' valley is the diminutive tarn and the start of a zig-zag path up Blake Fell.

The new cattle grid at the start of the track across the meadows.

We make a small diversion across the grass to check out a new layered fence.

The one here on the left is a newly planted mixed hedge, planted on a 'kist' or raised bank of earth.

Close by is a Cumberland cut hedge where the older trees have been cut to within a hair's breadth of their life.

This isn't good for wildlife but does re-grow and produce a quality hedge . . . eventually.

Along the edge of the next field about fifty yards of the hedge has been cut and laid in 'Westmorland Bullock' style.

Here the cut hedge has been layered with carefully cut and laid branches

and so it will provide shelter for wildlife and create an animal proof barrier at the same time.

Looking up at Carling Knott

the colours of the Pheasant shaped Holme Wood stand out against the snow.

The old bird is looking a little moth eaten as the lighter coloured, diseased larch is being taken out.

Hopefully the National Trust will replant these areas with a suitably coloured alternative woodland tree.

Sheep tracks cross the fresh snow as the lake reflects the intense blue of the sky.

Another object showing its age is this old rowing boat over by the farm.

It used to be possible to hire this boat for a row on the lake but it's no longer "seaworthy".

Loweswater Bothy, an old fishing lodge, will be our next stop on our walk today.

The girls and Dougal pause for a quick photo before we enter the woodland.

There is a boat by the lake but this belongs to the Loweswater care project and is not available for hire.

The Loweswater Bothy.

The tracks passed the door are muddy from the forestry work, but they did at least tidy up before the big machines left.

The beach is as beautiful as ever on a day like this.

A wider panorama looking over the lake towards Grasmoor and Mellbreak.

The bothy is available to rent as 'camping barn' style accommodation . . .

bring everything you need for camping except the tent, stove and toilet.  Plenty of wood here for a fire to keep warm !

We take the lakeshore path, leaving the bothy sitting snug in the woods.

Another bothy . . . for the little folk.

Looking across to Askill Knott and Darling Fell over the snow covered fallen tree.

Three chairs and a small woodland shelter deep in the woods . . . sadly no hot chocolate to drink here this time.

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One other feature of the woods which will be good to visit

is Holme Force, the waterfall created

as the Holme Beck cascades off the fellside.


We take the path up to the bridge and viewing point,

following it up towards the sun it would seem.


The lorries haven't been this way

so the track is undamaged under the snow.


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The old bridge partially disguised by a snow blanket.

It crosses the beck just below the main waterfall.

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The water isn't flowing strongly today,

which is hardly surprising

as the precipitation is sitting on the ground as snow.



Dylan walks out to explore the falls.



The top of the cascade blends

into the snow covered forest floor

so I didn't take second picture

of the top of the cascade this time.



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Instead I take a slightly slippery path and head down under the bridge

to get a different vie of the lower part of the falls.

Turning to retrace my steps I notice the icicles under the arch glinting in the morning light.

Back down the same way to the lakeshore.

Past the old, snow covered Scotts Pine that fell a couple of years ago.

Someone's got new wellies, but Loes's footwear

wouldn't cope with walking through the water, so she uses the bridge.

A new addition to the wood last year . . . The Wishing Tree.

Back to the Bothy and on the way back home now.

The National Trust cleaners are in attendance, checking out the bothy ready for the next guests to use.

Low Fell and Whiteside adds to the view being enjoyed by the visitors relaxing next to the lake.

Wintery Grasmoor, seen ahead as we return towards Maggie's Bridge.

Back to the cattle grid . . . nearly home . . . someone put the kettle on !

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Technical note: Pictures taken with my iPhone 11pro Camera.

Resized in Photoshop, and built up on a Dreamweaver web builder.

This site best viewed with . . . an special walk before Paula returns home.

Go to Home Page . . . © RmH . . . Email me here

Previous walk - 10th March - The Snow reaches Loweswater

A previous time up here - 3rd October - High Nook - Holme Force

Next walk - 12th March 2023 - River Derwent - by the Sea