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" To Harewood to see the Birds"

Date & start time:      13th February 2023. 10 am start.

Location of Start :     Harewood Estate Entrance, Harewood, Yorks. Uk. ( SE 322 450 )

Places visited :          Harewood Hose Bird Gardens and a walk on the Harewood Estate.

Walk details :              An hour in the Bird Gardens then a 3.5 miles walk.

Highest point :           Visiting the historically famous gardens.

Walked with :              Loes, Myself and the dogs, Dylan and Dougal.

Weather :                     Sunshine and blue skies but a misty start to the second walk.


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After visiting Sheffield I drove about an hour north, by-passing most of Leeds and heading over to Harewood where Loes now lives.

Harewood House was famous for its Bird Garden and work with not only endangered species

but also with the successful re-introduction of the Red Kite to the area

Harewood House this beautiful morning.

Loes and I are off to see the famous Bird Gardens before they close on the 19th February this year.

The 50 year old Bird Gardens are found on the lakeside slopes on the other side of the Courtyard building.

The  Terrace overlooking the gardens . . . but the cafe isn't open this morning.

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Our visit today is just in time before it closes next weekend.

Harewood Trust Statement about the closure


" Harewood’s Bird Garden is now over 50 years old and, as visitors have pointed out to us consistently over the past few years, the birds’ environment is not on a par with more up-to-date zoos. At Harewood’s last zoo inspection, the team were praised for their excellent care and the health of the birds, but sadly they identified many problems with the site’s physical infrastructure that the charity cannot sustain.

Over the last six months we have been researching options for the charity, however with a need for a £4 million investment in just the Bird Garden alone, the Trust has had to make the incredibly difficult decision to close this part of the Harewood experience.

Over the next few weeks, the birds – many of which are exotic or endangered – will be re-homed in licensed zoos in the UK better equipped long-term to ensure they continue to have comfortable and enriched lives and to ensure their life-long care.

The Bird Garden will close to visitors after Sunday 19 February 2023, with the possible exception of the penguin pool which we hope will remain open until the summer.  In its place, we will create a new woodland garden, making it an environment where native wildlife can thrive."


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The Penguin Pool close to the Courtyard will stay for a while at least.

The pool gives the birds chance to swim  and dive.
The cubby holes around the edge make good nests areas.

A glass panel allows you to see the birds underwater and appreciate a whole new graceful part of their lives.

This is a pair of red crested Turaco.

The red crest seems a solid part of their head, as opposed to raised feathers.

Two visitors stop by to admire the parrots and Parakeets.
This large one was a Macaw, larger but not as vividly coloured as some.

I guessed this one . . . the Snowy Owl.

But what of this one ?   . . .  It turns out to be a Burrowing Owl. 

They have long legs for running, which are also useful for scraping out abandoned South American Prairie Dogs burrows where they often live.

One of the Vulture family . . . the Andean Condor.

Two aptly named Blue and Gold macaws.
Blue on one side and gold on the other.

Pick a characteristic and think of a name . . . the Black Cheeked Lovebirds, an endangered African parrot.

The Brown Lory, a nectar eating parrot, utilising a high energy food source which they extract with a specially adapted tongue.

[ Just a thought . . . the brown version is much easier to pronounce than the red lory or yellow lory ! ]

These are African Crane birds, possibly the gray-crowned variety.

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There were numerous other birds on show.  Lets hope they all move to good homes

and that the powers that be can protect and breed them for re-introduction to the wild at some point.

Harewood also has a small farm section, specialising in the sheep, goats and smaller breeds such as Guinea pigs.

As befits the smallest of them, Harewood bugs have a Harewood-shaped bug hotel.

The Bird Garden is located on the wooded slopes below the Terrace Tearooms

and in season has a huge range of rhododendrons add a variety of colours, depending on what's in flower.

At the lakeside is the electric powered ferry that takes visitors across to the walled gardens and Bothy Tearoom.

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The following morning it was time to take the dogs for a longer walk, as they were not allowed in with the birds the day before.

Loes and I head out for a stroll around the wider grounds of the Harewood Estate.

It looks early, but it was mid morning and the mist is hanging about despite a late start after breakfast.

Mist covered spiders webs catches the light.
The delicate tracery shines as the sun makes an appearance.

We've walked down to the peninsular opposite the bird gardens and find the second jetty for the ferry boat.

I think this is called The Bothy . . . and the open window suggests coffee might be on offer.

. . . plus a mid-morning treat of some fine carrot cake.

The sun is out and gradually the mist evaporates.

The small river that exits Leeds Eccup Reservoir feeds through the estate

and flows into the "Capability Brown" main lake in front of Harewood House . . .

. . . via "Rough Bridge" that we also crossed on our visit at Christmas.

One of the famous Harewood Red Kites flies over the farmland of the estate, as we make our way back.

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Technical note: Pictures taken with my iPhone 11 pro camera.

Resized in Photoshop, and built up on a Dreamweaver web builder.

This site best viewed with . . . a last glimpse of the Bird Gardens.

Go to Home Page . . . © RmH . . . Email me here

Previous walk - 12th February - Sheffield to see Family

A previous time up here - 25/26th December - Harewood for Christmas

Next walk - 14th February - Harewood and Roundhay Park