Harewood Village is just a few miles north of Leeds, so it was
only a short trip into the city for today's walk.
Roundhay Park is one of many green spaces within the city and
it's also famous as a outdoor music venue for pop and classical
Loes knows it well from time she's spent living in Leeds many
years ago, but it is all new to me today.

Our start was adjacent to Roundhay Golf Club.
The top path into the park runs parallel to fairways
for a while.
The walk
starts with a pathway . . . |
. . . through a delightful
Beech Wood. |

It led us down to the Upper Lake in Roundhay
Loes wanted
to revisit 'the Ravine' . . . |
. . . where the river
has cut a reasonably deep gorge through the area. |

The meandering stream winds its way down towards
the lake
and a series of new bridges allows us a fairly
easy walk down the valley.

She remembered a water fountain in a rocky nook
. . .
this seemed the most likely place, though the
grotto has lost its formal stonework.

Roundhay Park has a grand folly, but the stonework
on this building is in much better condition.
It stands
on the hill overlooking the lake . . . |
. . . and we walk down
through the arch onto the parkland below. |

The large stretch of water is known as Waterloo

Plenty of paths to chose from, so we take the
one that follows close to the water.
I think it was called the Carriage Drive.

There are a few waterfowl around, especially
out in the centre but close to the shore, just these two swans.

The reason for that could be that around the
corner near the cafe,
was the place where everyone bought bird food
and fed the ducks, the geese and the rest of the swans.

This area of the Park, accessed from the streets
to the south, provides good parking
and is obviously the go-to place for locals
to access the lake (and the ice cream van) today.
Walking back uphill (north) once more, we leave
the lake behind us and reach 'The Arena'.

The small building alongside probably had its
origins as a cricket pavilion for Roundhay Mansion.
- - - o o o - - -
This natural amphitheatre has been
the site of
many an outdoor concert over the years.
The likes of Michael Jackson, U2,
Robbie Williams,
Madonna, the Rolling Stones and Ed
have all graced outdoor stages here.
The venue has held up to 100,000 people
for the biggest events.
The Mansion is available to hire for
smaller functions
like weddings and corporate dining
- - - o o o - - -
By way of correspondence . . .
Good evening Roger and Loes,
In my younger days I used to
grass track race on fixed gear cycles on the Roundhay
amphitheatre. I think it was always regarded as the
cricket bowl when we were racing. It was often the
venue for the men's 8 kilometre and 800m national
grass track championships. The slight banking helped,
although the back straight (opposite the pavilion)
was always soggy if it had rained, and it added to
the challenges of racing.
Grass track racing on a cycle
is a skill in itself, as the bikes can drift outwards
on the bends. The grass, depending on how well it
had been cut, also added a degree of difficulty. All
good fun!
The commentators ( usually
a local cycling club who were hosting the event) would
make us smile. Our cycling club was Ely & District
cycling club (near Cambridge), and even though our
entry forms clearly stated the title, we were referred
to as 'Eli (as in the gents name) and district wheelers'
in broad Yorkshire accent.
All good wishes, Julie R-J.
(Ex-Cambridgeshire - now West

We walked the avenue up to The Mansion House.
For a small fee we could have taken the Road Train, but then
the dogs wouldn't have had so much exercise.

We pass on visiting many of the other features of the park
and instead we headed across towards the Upper Lake
where a delightful fountain adds to the attraction of this
woodland setting.
If you go
down to the woods today . . . |
. . . you're sure of
a big surprise ! |
Someone has been busy decorating the woodland with simple
yet playful artwork.
There was a hint of it on the way out, but this lower path
takes you alongside the Fairy Village and a Pirate's Den.
Enter at your peril ! |
The Lego pirates might creep up on
you unexpectedly. |
. . . and add your skull
to one they made earlier ! |
All is revealed . . . |

The Fairy King has added enjoyment to the world
it seems.
- - - o o o - - -

In the evening Loes had booked a meal out at
the Scotts Arms in Sicklinghall near Harewood
but the mist descended once again and it was
a slow journey getting there on the smaller roads of Wharfdale.

Inside however it was warm and welcoming.
Dinner for two posh people
. . . |
. . . they scrub up nicely when they
try ! |

To share food photos on the internet draws people
On Valentine's night the 'meals for two menu'
draws couples together too.
After you with the carrot stick and baked Camembert