A day over on the west coast with Loes finds us south of Seascale,
in order to explore the Drigg seashore that I've heard so much
After failing to find a local pub for lunch we drove a short
distance inland to Santon Bridge,
before returning to the coast and spending an hour exploring
the dunes.

The route to the beach is via the railway crossing
at Drigg on the west coast line.
Sadly the pub in the background was not very
encouraging about lunch as they had a party in . . . so we took
our business elsewhere !

Back again after lunch and we make it across
the railway, on the way to the beach.
This is the 'down' line to Carlisle . . . down
because it heads away from London.

That would make this the up line . . . there
be London via Lancaster.
The signal Box at Drigg seems to be getting
a bit of tender loving care.

The road skirts around the Drigg Depository,
home to wartime munitions and low level Sellafield radioactive
waste (no pictures).
It ends down at a small car park close to the
seashore from where we start our walk.
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The England
Coast Path passes through this area
and a new-ish signboard lets us know more information.
( No larger picture so click the link if you wish
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With this more west coast Cumbrian habitat
comes a whole new set of wildlife.
[ The Gunneries refers to the use of this area
for practice firings during the war, and for many years following
it. ]

Now it is managed as a Site of Special scientific
Interest (SSSI),
which includes grazing by, surprisingly, Herdwick
sheep and some cattle that we would see later.

Drigg Beach is part of a shingle and sand coastal
feature that extends from St Bees all the way down past Ravenglass
to Black Comb.
This part of the coast however has a more extensive
dune systems that reaches further inland than many other places
on the west coast.

There are several old observation posts and
wartime gun emplacements dotted about.
They perch at crazy angles and are in varying
states of repair due to the ravishes of time.

Loes seems to be trying for an audition for
the new 'James Bond' lady.
It is not sunny but the bright weather has darkened
the shades and she really looks the part !
A place
to relax . . . should the temperature improve. |

We walked along the beach for a while and then
struck inland and joined the coastal path.

The area is famous for its population of Natterjack

The sand dunes are good because the toads prefer
shallow pools on dunes, heaths and marshes.
This area holds the largest population of breeding
Natterjacks in Britain.

A quick diversion failed to find any sign of
the toads, or even some toad spawn.

We walked on to the next shelter which gave
us a view of Seascale,
but more noticeably the towers and chimneys
of Sellafield, further up the coast.

Loes talks to Dougal just before crossing the
footbridge over one of the few damp water courses within the

The post out to sea defines one end of the old
firing range, and warns boats to keep clear of the area.

Back to the car now past a very dusty visitor
information board on another brick structure and this old shed
to the car which we parked earlier at the end
of the road.
- - - o o o - - -
Our return trip was via the village of Seascale
just up the coast . . .

Looking down from the Whitrig approach to the

The appropriately named "Seascallion"
decorated boat on the seafront.

The village was understandably quiet on this
cool and windy March day.