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" High Wood and Low Kid Crag " Date & start time: 6th July 2020. 5 pm start. Location of Start : Roadside above Crummock Water, Cumbria, Uk. ( NY 159 203 ) Places visited : Path alongside High Wood to Fletcher Field, then Low Kid Crag. Walk details : 1 mile, 325 ft of ascent, a 45 minute walk. Highest point : Under Low Kid Crag, about 600 ft asl. Walked with : Myself and the dogs, Dylan and Dougal. Weather : High Cloud, but a warm breeze. |
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A walk late in the afternoon on what finally turned out to be a fine day. As I was out with the car I chose to drive a short way up the Buttermere Road to Lanthwaite Green, to walk down to the shores of Crummock at a point a little further round the lake than I've been walking recently. First some essential supplies . . . Lorton Shop has stayed open all through the recent problems, though they have asked for one person only in the shop at any one time. They've closed their tea garden for now but you can still arrive request a take-out coffee, just as these two cyclists have done. They call it the "Shop with the View" . . . so I had better show you the view. For those connoisseurs of Jennings Ales, the first brewery that Mr Jennings set up was here in the village of Lorton. One of these houses and the Yew Tree Hall formed part of the original brewery buildings.
Rejecting a walk up Brackenthwaite Hows . . . . . . in favour of a lakeside walk from the far end of Lanthwaite Woods (High Woods seen here).
This roadside parking area is about half a mile beyond the Lanthwaite Green car park. It is about as far this way down the valley as the famous artist Turner reached when he visited whilst staying in Keswick. His famous painting with Crummock and the rainbow is thought to have been sketched whilst in the adjacent field to this. That field now has a wooden seat so that you can sit and enjoy the view . . . which presumably he couldn't do without getting wet trousers. Turner's view of Crummock Water. I'd name the peaks but the National Trust has already done it . . . casting the names in metal on the seat. Excuse me . . . That's better . . . thanks. We set off down the slope alongside the high Wood boundary wall, descending steeply towards the lake.
Looking across to High Ling Crag from the shore path. Dougal waits at a closed gate further along the lake. I delayed opening it so as to give the locals time to escape to higher ground. The recent rains have returned the lake to its normal level. The warm breeze today causes relatively large waves to break on the gravel shore (large for Crummock that is). A new bridge this year over an un-named stream, which has flowed down from the slopes of Grasmoor. The view from the seat looking north west along Crummock towards Darling Fell and Low Fell.
From the Fletcher Fields sign on one side of the road, we cross over and climb up the slopes on sheep tracks between the summer bracken, so as to avoid having to worry about any conflict between us and other road users. Dylan chooses a rock to check out the view of the Loweswater Fells. He turns and shows off his best side, with this reverse view of Rannerdale Knotts and the High Stile Ridge. We gradually gain height through the bracken and get closer to Low Kid Crag. Feeling a little lazy perhaps on the day . . . but I now wish I had gone up and stood on the crag just to be able to say I'd done it !
With the bigger lens I could zoom in on the trees. One of nature's conundrums . . . why two trees so close together and no others of the same type anywhere else on the mountain ? I had done enough climbing now in order to be level with the top of High Wood, where I had left the car earlier. While I had the big lens on I captured this photo of the High Nook Beck descending from distant Blake Fell. Down below me two cyclist riding fast through the long grass . . . or rather . . . along the Buttermere Road. Just one boggy patch and I'm back at the car, more or less dry shod. I was going to take their picture here at the start but they were too eager to be out, so this is the planned photo taken 45 minutes later after we had returned. - - - o o o - - - |
Technical note: Pictures taken with either Ann's Panasonic Lumix TZ60, or my Panasonic Lumix Gx8 Camera. Resized in Photoshop, and built up on a Dreamweaver web builder. This site best viewed with . . .two slightly tired dogs who would sit still for just a moment for a photo. Go to Home Page . . . © RmH . . . Email me here Previous walk - 4th July 2020 - Of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness A previous time up here - 20th January 2018 - A walk in the Dry Sunshine Next walk - 14th July 2020 - Long How - Buttermere