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" Cogra Moss and a New Path "

Date & start time:      12th January 2020.  3 pm start.

Location of Start :     Felldyke car park, Lamplugh, Cumbria, Uk. ( NY 085 198 )

Places visited :          Cogra Moss reservoir and valley.

Walk details :              2.5 mls, 200 ft of ascent, 1hour 20 mins.

Highest point :           Head of the valley, 780 ft - 240m above sea level.

Walked with :              Ann and our dogs, Dylan and Dougal.

Weather :                      A cool winter afternoon with some high cloud cover.

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number PU 100034184.


An afternoon walk, out of the valley, with chance to call on friends afterwards before they headed away for a few days.

The area around Cogra Moss reservoir has changed over the years and after a muddy couple of walks while the contractors were on site,

we return to find a newly resurfaced path alongside the lake.

The many signs and signboards that adorn the car park at Felldyke.

The view west over the Lamplugh area, from the memorial seat alongside the cars.

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It will be ten years in June since the Cumbrian Shootings

a very sad episode where 12 people were killed

and eleven seriously wounded when a gunman

went berserk in West Cumbria.


The first of his victims was his own brother,

remembered here through this inscription on the slate bench.


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For our walk today we head up the track from the car park towards the Cogra Moss reservoir.

Owsen Fell seen across the fields to our left.

Shortly afterwards, as we top the small rise, the full extent of Blake Fell comes into view.

The old track is lined with ancient beech trees, one of which fell several years ago.

It must be an old track by the quality and quantity of moss on the adjacent walls.

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Cogra Moss reservoir and the outfall,

seen through the last of the trees

as we approach the lake.


In recent years

most of the scrappy iron fishing platforms

have been removed,

the overflow pipeline landscaping work has healed

and the reservoir is now acknowledged

as a valuable leisure resource to be protected.


It is also home to the Cockermouth Angling Club,

who have the rights to fish here

and who have provided some useful seats for visitors.


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The end of the road, albeit a gravel one.    The cleared forestry to the right has been replanted with broad leaf trees

but the sitka spruce is also naturally regenerating from old fallen seed.

There's a fence alongside the track to prevent you going too near the reservoir wall and outflow.

Somehow Dougal has found himself on the wrong side !!

The answer was simply that the open-ended fence finished shortly before the chairs !

There's some nice sunshine on Blake Fell but we are walking (and sitting) in the shadow of Knock Murton to our right.

In recent months the footpath alongside the lake has been improved,

whether this be for walkers or fishermen is unclear . . . I suspect the former, which is nice.

The path junction where you could start an ascent towards Low Pen, High Pen and strike out for Blake Fell.

Over the back of the forest beyond the gap are the iron mines on the southern side of Knock Murton.

This re-laid path seems to continue on quite a long way around the head of the valley.

We are aware that the path on the other side is still rather damp, so this afternoon we'll stop at this point and retrace our steps. 

That sun is getting much lower in the sky so we mustn't be too long.

Back toward the lake now on the second half of the walk . . . the views are the same, just in a different order.

The old path up and over towards the front of Knock Murton can be seen just below the tree line.

Cool light and conditions now as we return to the main vehicle track.

When we have a nice day and a drier spell, we'll have a specific go at walking all the way around the lake.

Who know how far that dry path will extend . . . it will be interesting to find out.

This old slate gatepost has been converted to a memorial seat.

It seems that the Lakes are full of memories for so many people.

Rounding the gentle bend in the track the skyline opened for a wider view of sunset over the houses of Felldyke.

The quiet honking of geese drew our eyes up into the sky

A whole waving line of birds flying more or less wingtip to wingtip, occasionally splitting and rejoining as they passed overhead.

Ann did count them at the time . . . I just concentrated on the full screen, diagonal shot.

[ Back home we confirmed the total in the first photo to be 70 birds ]

The birds flew on south, towards Morcambe Bay.
The sun however headed west.

. . . giving us a nice show of colour before the afternoon light faded completely.

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Technical note: Pictures taken with either Ann's Panasonic Lumix TZ60, or my Panasonic Lumix Gx8 Camera.

Resized in Photoshop, and built up on a Dreamweaver web builder.

This site best viewed with . . . a nice sunset to end the day.

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Previous walk - 11th January 2020 - The train Now Standing . . .

A previous time up here - 13th April 2009 A high level walk round Cogra Moss

Next walk - 18th January 2020 - Askill Knott then Darling