Oak Cottage - Loweswater

Retreat to the quiet of the Western Lakes

The Cottage, and  the view up the Buttermere Valley
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Date : 24th May 2003

Place : Loweswater Valley

Event : A sunset with a difference

Weather : A sudden bright interval .

The weather in the valley had been reasonable today, with sunny periods and higher cloud most of the day. The visibility after the rain of the last few days had been really good, but about 6 'ish the tops started to cloud over and we thought we had seen the last of the nice evening.

As the sun set behind the higher ground in the village, we were suddenly aware of a bright yellow burst of sunlight sweeping low under the clouds and filling the valley with light.

As it touched, it seemed to magnify its colour in bands across the hillside. Here Grasmore, with a shaddow at it's base from the low ground (the higher shaddow on the right may be Melbreak), and a shaddow above from the summit cloud.

As the sun's rays moved up the valley, we were offered fine views of each mountain in turn.

This is a closer view of Rannerdale Knotts, standing out like an African peak through the high velt.

As the sun set, the ground shaddow climbed the hill,

the sun's rays now only illuminating the top of Whiteside and its cloud.

( Just thought you'd like to see it )


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