Oak Cottage - Loweswater

Retreat to the quiet of the Western Lakes

The Cottage, and  the view up the Buttermere Valley

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Sunday 5th January 2003. A walk in Buttermere.

The snows of the last few days are set fast in a deep frost, and the high pressure has given us

yet another fine sunny winter's day.

A short drive tup the valley, with a brief stop on top of the Lanthwaite Road

to admire the view.

Parking at Rannerdale gave the immediate prospect of snow, and a thick frost even at low altitude.

Our later start meant that Crummock was in shaddow, but Low Fell

(and the cottage!) are basking in the afternoon sunlight, albeit at zero degrees centigrade.


The upper slopes of Rannerdale Knotts were getting seriously eroded until the Pathfairies set to and

fixed the problem


Fine views greated us as we reached the top, but I got the feeling we were not the first ones there . . . .

The Summit ridge, with Whiteless, Wandope and the climb to Grasmoor behind.


Deep shadow fills Buttermere Valley, but Gable shines ouit, basking in the afternoon sun flooding up Ennerdale.


Ahead is the gentle walk along the summit ridge of the Knotts,

with a brief stop to admire the snow covered slopes of Robinson ahead.

However, the afternoon was drawing to a close, as the sun added colour to

the clouds above the High Style Ridge

The Buttermere Ayres Rock effect meant that as the sun set, the hills on the opposite side

of the valley turned from light yellow to almost a rich red.

In the lea of the hill, where the valley hasn't seen any sun since, probably, November

the wet paths which are normally host to small streams, are just great slabs of sheet ice.

Even Low Fell has lost its colour as we walk back down Rannerdale valley.

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